
Sint Maartenslaan 26
6221 AX Maastricht

* Visit only possible after making an appointment by phone

043-208 60 30
06-48 67 15 13


Opening hours:
Mondag to Friday  from 09.00 tot 18.00 hours


Paid parking is available in front of the office at the Sint Maartenslaan 26 in Maastricht or in the Q-Park of the Station or De Griend (use left side of the parking)

Crafts School Of Maastricht 

The old Crafts School (Ambachtschool) at Sint Maartenslaan was opened on April 29, 1912. In 1951 the name changed to Technical School. Finally, in 1968, the name was changed to Middelbaar Technische School (MTS). In 1980 the new building of the school was completed at the Bemelergrubbe. The building on the Sint Maartenslaan became vacant. Today a large part of the building is in use as a mega cinema (info: